Please note: High School Graduates pursuing a Bachelor's Degree or CXC Associate Degree may qualify to receive a tuition contribution under the Government Sixth Form Pathway Programme. If tuition exceeds the government grant, students will be expected to pay the balance. Conditions Apply.

Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work – Year 1 & 3 (Full- Time & Part-Time)

The Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work will prepare students for immediate entry into human service positions. Students will complete courses in social work practice, social welfare, human rights, social and economic justice, social research methods, human behavior and other areas under social work. The programme will prepare learners to work with a clientele consisting of individuals, families, groups, organizations, or communities from various primary and secondary social work settings.

Year 1

Year 3

Please note: An Associate degree will be awarded after successfully completing the first two years of the Bachelor’s degree programme. The learner may opt to exit the programme with the Associate degree only or complete the final two years for the Bachelor’s degree.

CXC Associate of Arts in History (CAPE Subjects)

The CXC Associate of Arts in History (CAPE Subjects) provide students with the opportunity to pursue a cluster of CAPE subjects with an area of specialization in History. The programme prepares students for further tertiary studies that enable careers in library services, information specialist, analyst, teaching, writing, and publishing.

CXC Associate of Arts in Law (CAPE Subjects)

The CXC Associate of Arts in Law (CAPE Subjects) provide students with the opportunity to pursue a cluster of CAPE subjects with an area of specialization in Law. The programme prepares students for further tertiary studies that enable careers in paralegal services, legal administration, politics, and cybercrime litigation.

CXC Associate of Arts in Sociology (CAPE Subjects)

The CXC Associate of Arts in Sociology (CAPE Subjects) provide students with the opportunity to pursue a cluster of CAPE subjects with an area of specialization in Sociology. The programme prepares students for further tertiary studies that enable careers in social work, counseling, politics, applied research, and insurance administration.

Pre-University Arts & Social Sciences (CAPE Subjects)

The Pre-University Arts & Social Sciences (CAPE Subjects) programme provide students with the opportunity to pursue a cluster of CAPE subjects such as History, Law, Sociology, Literatures in English and Management of Business (M.O.B). The programme prepares students to pursue tertiary studies and enable careers in their preferred area of specialization.

Enriched Continuing Education (CXC & CAPE Subjects)

The Enriched Continuing Education (CXC & CAPE Subjects) programme provide students with the opportunity to pursue a combination of CXC and CAPE subjects. The programme prepares students to pursue tertiary studies and enable careers in their preferred area of specialization.

Continuing Education (CAPE Subjects) - Part-time

The Continuing Education (CAPE Subjects) programme provide students with the opportunity to pursue a selection of CAPE subjects. The programme prepares students to pursue tertiary studies and enable careers in their preferred area of specialization.

Continuing Education (CXC Subjects) - Part-time and Full-Time

The Continuing Education (CXC Subjects) provide students with the opportunity to pursue a combination of CXC subjects. The programme prepares students to pursue tertiary studies and enable careers in their preferred area of specialization.

Please note: High School Graduates pursuing a Bachelor's Degree or CXC Associate Degree may qualify to receive a tuition contribution under the Government Sixth Form Pathway Programme. If tuition exceeds the government grant, students will be expected to pay the balance. Conditions Apply

Brown's Town Community College (BTCC)